"Science Isn't Fair" //
Introduction by David Byrne: I Know Sometimes a Man is Wrong
Music by Lillia Woodbury
Lyrics by Patrick Swailes Caldwell
Featuring Kiwi Villalobos and Gianna Gannon.
I Dream of Jeffrey
Music by Lillia Woodbury, lyrics by Patrick Swailes Caldwell
Featuring Rachel Greenfeld and Lillia Woodbury.
Murder Mystery Musical with Edgar Allan Poe theme.
Stay tuned for exciting updates!
Music by Lillia Woodbury, lyrics by Hayley Goldenberg
Featuring Sarah Lynn Marion and Lillia Woodbury.
Lillia Woodbury
Composer // Lyricist // Bookwriter
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"Science Isn't Fair" //
Introduction by David Byrne: I Know Sometimes a Man is Wrong
Music by Lillia Woodbury
Lyrics by Patrick Swailes Caldwell
Featuring Kiwi Villalobos and Gianna Gannon.
Me Time
Music by Lillia Woodbury, lyrics by Pamela Redmond
Written for a musical version of YOUNGER by Pamela Redmond
Featuring Mary Mendez Rizzo and Lillia Woodbury.